The King’s Speech
A prestigious co-production between Chichester Festival Theatre and Birmingham Repertory Theatre, starring Jason Donovan (Festen, Sweeney Todd) as Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue and Raymond Coulthard (Mr Selfridge, Hotel Babylon) as King George VI.
It’s 1936. As the world stands on the brink of war, King Edward VIII has abdicated for the love of Wallis Simpson. Bertie, his brother, who has previously shied away from the public eye becau se of a terrible stammer, is to be crowned King George VI of England. With the support of his wife Elizabeth (the much-loved future Queen Mother), Bertie meets maverick Australian speech therapist and failed actor, Lionel Logue, at an office in Harley Street.
The King’s Speech is the true and heart-warming story of one man’s struggle to overcome his personal affliction and, in his country’s darkest hour, deliver the now iconic speech broadcast across the globe to inspire his people.